Christopher Newsom’s Autopsy Report

Christopher Newsom’s Autopsy Report

Christopher Newsom’s

Christopher Newsom’s Autopsy Report – The post-mortem examination results of both Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian give a clear account of the nature of the ill treatment given to the young couple. These reports are in the public domain, however their details can be considered as shocking and gruesome at best. Here’s a summary of the information:Here’s a summary of the information:

Background of the Crime

Christopher Newsom’s, The victims, Christopher Newsom, 23 years and Channon Christian, 21 years, were a couple from Knoxville, Tennessee. Fe- On January 6, 2007 the five men took Keshi and were carjacked, kidnapped and subjected to torture on the orders of their captors. The couple was separated, and every one of them was tortured in various ways before being killed. Meanwhile,

Christopher Newsom’s Autopsy Report

1. Cause of Death:

  • He was fired three bullets that entered his body, and another bullet that hit his body and ricocheted. One of the bullets penetrated the neck and came out through the back of the skull – a clear sign of an extra-judicial killing at close range. Do you know how Sri Devi Deid? Check out this Sridevi (Shree amma yanger ayyapan) husband name

2. Other Injuries:

  • He was arrested, tied with ropes, hobbled and had a cloth around his eyes with a sock in his mouth.
  • He had a lot of bruises and scratches on his body, which suggested that he was badly flogged and assaulted.
  • There were signs of sexual assault before he was felled, she said.

3. Manner of Death:

  • The postmortem confirmed the cause of death to have been by fatal poisoning. His body was soaked in gasoline and set on fire and left beside the railway tracks which my have exacerbated the injuries found during autopsy.

Channon Christian’s Autopsy Report

1. Cause of Death:

  • The 27-year-old woman Channon Christian was killed by being put into a big trash can in which she perished from oxygen deficiency.

2. Other Injuries:

  • She was tied, gagged, and blindfolded, and had been sexually assaulted in a most brutal manner for hours.
  • She had intra-abdominal hemorrhage, which together with subarachnoid hemorrhage, shows signs of beatings on different parts of the body.
  • A toxicology screen was signed as negative for all substances, meaning that when tortured, she was fully accountable.

3. Manner of Death:

  • In the case, the postmortem revealed that the cause of death was indeed murder. Her naked dead body was wrapped in black polythene bags and kept in a polythene container which was actually a dust bin that was in the house where the couple was confined.

Legal Proceedings and Outcomes

The crimes against Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian led to the arrest and trial of five individuals: Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, George Thomas, Vanessa Coleman and Eric Boyd. The trials were, therefore, more extensive and well-known because of the gruesome acts committed in the cases.


  • Lemaricus Davidson: Found guilty of first-degree murder, and other charges, and received a death penalty.
  • Letalvis Cobbins: Sentenced to life imprisonment without an option of a parole.
  • George Thomas: Being first convicted to life without eligibility for parole, this man was retried and convicted again and again given the same sentence.
  • Vanessa Coleman: She was convicted of facilitation of the crimes and was given a 35 years imprisonment.
  • Eric Boyd: Initially charged on federal charges of being an after thought for the crime, later charged for kidnap, rape and murder and given lifetime imprisonment.

Impact and Aftermath

The tragedy involving Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian has affected the society and has now raised issues like crime prevention, victims’ rights, and the justice system on vicious crimes.

Support for Victims’ Families:

  • Many of the families of the victims also created immediate support for other families devastated by acts of violence.

Legislative Changes:

  • Criminologists began to urge law makers to enforce long prison terms for violent offenders, and upgrade methods of dealing with such crimes by the judicial arm of government.


The tragic deaths of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian remain a somber reminder of the depths of human cruelty. Their autopsy reports, while graphic, are essential for understanding the extent of the crimes and ensuring that justice is served. The legal outcomes of this case highlight the importance of a thorough and fair judicial process in addressing the most severe offenses.